A performance documentary capturing songs from Nick Cave and Warren Ellis’ last two albums together. This is mostly performance, but with the occasional behind the scenes interlude. It helps if you’re interested in Cave and interested in listening to him talk. Even if you’re not that into what he’s talking about. He’s a compelling narrator. If you just like the music though, fear not that’s what this delivers best. Cave is a dark philosopher, drawn to religion, icons, the devil, people. Some paranoid idiots would probably think this makes him dangerous in a 1980s we must save the children kind of way. To hear him talk though, he’s all about understanding, compassion and connection. He’s brutally honest, open and sincere. Talking about finding himself in a happier place, with meaning to his life. It’s all laid bare. The songs are captured in a grand sparse room, the pair, some backing singers, some lighting, but never more than is needed. It echos the delicateness of the songs from Ghosteen especially. It’s all very pure. It’s never going to replicate the magic of being in a room with Cave and Ellis, but the fact that it gets close is testament to director Andrew Dominik’s work. For me though, as much as I love Cave, I adore Ellis. It’s the interview clips with him that feel revelatory. He’s untethered, a wild force of artistic beauty. The magic they conjure between them though is incredible and getting a sense of how that comes to pass is wonderful. The Ghosteen songs are largely slower, sombre sounding, mournful and hopeful. There’s a catharsis in the music, I’m sure for Cave, certainly for me and it’s interesting to hear them collected with some of the more swaggering songs from Carnage. A must see for any music fan.
