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The Ultimate Triathlon (2016)

Gareth Crook

Updated: Jul 31, 2019

There’s a few of these documentaries on Prime, some are definitely better than others. This one follows Luke Tyburski, who challenges himself to the ‘Ultimate Triathlon’, swimming from Morocco to Spain, cycling up the Spanish coast to France, then running 5 consecutive double marathons through France to Monaco... in 12 days. It started with me really quite disliking him, his arrogance being very annoying. However as the challenge goes on and very nearly breaks him, it takes a surprisingly positive turn and Luke really rises to the challenge. There’s as much footage from the support crew as from Luke himself which really helps tell the story, especially as the challenge evolves and they pull out the stops to help him over 2000k to the finish line. What’s enduring about this is how he manages to stay pretty true to the initial idea, yes the goal posts shift, yes there’s unexpected twists, but there’s still a satisfying finale to an extraordinary journey.



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