I should be predisposed to love this. The ever quirky and inventive Wes Anderson directing an animation, what’s not to fall madly in love with. Yes it’s got more stars in the voiceover cast than a whole summers worth of blockbusters. Yes it’s effortlessly beautiful, gorgeous, exceptionally so. Yes it’s brimming with dark humour, but most importantly it knows how to have fun. The dialogue though. Fast, witty, sharp, one line rolling over another with breakneck dexterity. The story is simple, delightful even. Boy seeks lost dog, on an island of dogs, that talk, live amongst garbage and oh some robodogs, from the municipal task force on the mainland that’s looking for the boy, as are the slightly militant activists, that support the K9 uprising, see, simple! It’s very entertaining and well worth a watch, however it’s not quite Anderson at his very best.