I enjoyed the first AVP spin off more than I was expecting, but I suspect this might push the fun too far. Last time out, a face-hugger clamped itself to a Predator. Giving us a gnarly new hybrid monster that quickly takes out the Predator spaceship on which it was born and then crash lands in Colorado. It’s always America isn’t it. This is a small town, surrounded by a lot of lovely wilderness. The perfect place for a spaceship to crash and its surviving face-huggers and new friend to go exploring. Make the most of the daylight though, once night falls this becomes almost unwatchable. There are humans in this story too, although honestly they’re not really required. Dallas (Steven Pasquale) has just returned from a stint in jail. Kelly (Reiko Aylesworth), a stint in the army. Neither of these details are important. We’ve got Dale’s younger brother Ricky (Johnny Lewis) too. He’s delivering pizzas and getting beat up. Eddie (John Ortiz) meanwhile is the local sheriff, investigating an increasing amount of missing persons and dead bodies. It’s slow and formulaic. More interesting is the Predator that’s come to earth on a solo clean up operation. He’s got his work cut out. Especially when his clean up concept is to kill everything. Aliens chase and kill humans, Predator chases and kills Aliens. Mostly in the dark, meaning it’s fairly unimpressive, which is an issue for a bog standards action film. I’m aware I may be desensitised to gore at this point, but with all the quick cuts, close ups and Predators infrared POV, it’s all a bit too murky to enjoy. Honestly setting this in daylight would vastly improve things. It’d still be crap. The characters are ridiculously one dimensional, possibly the dumbest in the franchise so far, which really is damning. It tries to rely on nauseating violence and gore, but it’s nasty with far too little context and not as shocking as it’s clearly trying to be. The fight between the Alien/Predator hybrid and Predator is okay I guess and probably satisfies the fanboy acidic bloodlust. But the finale renders the entire film largely pointless. Mercifully it’s short and thankfully this is as far as the spin off spun.